Tuesday, May 26

Monday Madness......and it's Tuesday

Mondays at best are my busiest day of the week, but when Monday is a holiday my week turns into mayhem.
This wild week is a "Monty" week for me. (Monday +Tuesday=Monty) Monty weeks have me always pushing a few daily jobs forward in hopes of catching up on everything by Friday....usually I am still behind and by Saturday say "So,What."
The madness of this Monday that is now Tuesday, is that I have not only the movie theatre to schedule, advertise for and catch up with the books, but I have to catch up on two weeks of grocery shopping, house cleaning, laundry, yard work, etc......not because of the holiday but HSM.......note to self --learn to say "no" more often.
There are 9 more school days and summer fun is fast approaching....yikes! I will have to ramp up my activities today.....then maybe I will only be a couple of months behind.

Monday - done!
Tuesday- doggy paddling*!?@*!&^?!

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