Sunday, May 24

All in the Family

What a crazy week/weekend. They say if you higher one of us you get us all. That was true with Creative Arts Academy production of High School Musical.
Creative Arts has hired my mom Sheri and daughter Megan to run their Musical Theatre Dept. They in turn hired my niece Rachel to help them with their large classes. They all do a fabulous job. Probably because they are passionate about musical theatre, and want their students to to learn to love it as well.
This year they produced, directed and choreographed two full musicals. The Jungle Book, with 20 kids ages 6 to 9, and High School Musical with 48 kids. The average age being 11 years old.
As I said, you hire one you get all. In the Call family we have decided that we will attend and help with each others projects, period. So, the production of High School Musical had the whole family helping out Megan, Mom, Rachel, Hayden and Jenna another niece (all but Nelson who is in NZ, but he would have and has been right in there in the past.); performing, costumes, set up, tear down, programs, lighting, moral, critique, moral support, etc..... And this kind of family support and help doesn't just stop with the Call family, there was support and help from my brother and his family, my sisters and my dad. All jumping to help out when and where they could.
What a great family I come from and have! It is nice to know that you can ask, and sometimes don't even have to ask for help and your family will be there to back you, good times and bad.

Today at the Call home we are in a worn out stupor. We gave it our all to help out Megan and the show. Tomorrow we will look towards our next family project. From theatre to football, yard work to doctor runs, the Call family does it together.

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