Thursday, November 28

Pie Party 2013

Another successful Pie party. good food and good friends. We had lot of pie and lots of people which in combination make it one of the best nights.
Momma Sheri would have been so happy with how it all turned out.

Life is good!

Thursday, November 21

Thanks Kids!

For my Birthday/Mothers Day I received 2 tickets to see Michale Buble in SLC from the children.
It was a great night. Would recommend his concert to everyone. It was a delight. He performed for 2 hours. As a solo singer this is a lot of hard work.  His opening act Naturally 7 wasn't bad either, they are an a`capella group but even better, their specialty is the instruments and they have a killer base. I love that they even pretend to play the instruments sometimes.
Back to Michael. Gary and I had great seats. We were surrounded by the BYU young marrieds including a 2 month old baby who was nursed during the performance. As part of the concert we sang Happy Birthday to an 83 year old lady so I guess you could say he was appealing to everyone form 1 to 92......

Fun night and a great break.

Today I have been making fruit pies and crust and freezing them to help me out come Tuesday night.
I studied it out and found that fruit pies are the best to freeze prior to baking and freezing will aid in the cooking of the bottom crust. Hopefully no soggy crust.

Life is good.

Friday, November 15

And the Projects Come A Tumblin' Down

Monday I was looking for projects to keep me busy and now I am overloaded.
We have been planning a kitchen up date for several months now and it is finally going to February, but hey the prep to get everything cleaned out and ready for it is huge. It all requires me to make so many other decisions as well since my whole kitchen family room is one big space and while the kitchen designers have the whole kitchen area figured out as part of the re do we have to re finish the floor as well which is into the Family room, so if I am going to remove stuff I should figure out what I want as a final look instead of bringing it all back.
 Back splash, Counter tops and Cabinetry(color, not style)

Let the clean it up and throw it out begin. As I decorate for Christmas I need to have the undecorate plan in place. Oh I also need to pick paint for the Family Room and Kitchen, (they were afraid of the picking  a paint color for me since I like color).......snowball effect is happening. I knew it was all coming but signing contracts makes it all real.
Happy Christmas, Birthday and Anniversary to me!  I am excited but a bit overwhelmed.

Life is Good

Wednesday, November 13

Wednesday Weigh-In...Still

Yes the Weight Watchers is still happening. No I am not doing as fantastic as Megan and Laurie....but that is okay. Those two are wonderful and so supportive and inspirational.
I have 20 more lbs. to lose to reach my goal and then 6 weeks of maintenance to go lifetime at Weight Watchers......this is so hard, especially during the holidays. So I have decided that for the the next 7 weeks while I will try my hardest to be good, count my points, eat healthy and exercise, but my goal is to lose or gain. I figure that going forward is always better than going backwards.
I am learning that one bite or half a serving taste just the same.  I am also learning to focus on my meal and savor my food.
One of the the other things WW has taught me this time is to make the choice in decide to not indulge and buy it at the store thus saying no and making the decision once not every time I open the cupboard and see the food in question. Gary is questioning the bare snack cupboard but it is good for all of us to eat better.

Life is Good

Monday, November 11

Snap Out of It!!!

I have been in a funk for sometime now and so to help me get out of it I thought back to when I was not feeling so meh.
One of the things I discovered  was that when I am not so funky I was a better blogger.....
I guess that means I am committing to blog more. I apparently do better when I let the junk out of my brain through my finger tips.
I also haven't been walking outside regularly, so this morning I got out and walked to clear my mind. It was a beautiful morning. I came in feeling energized and ready to go forward.

I also do better when I have projects so I will get a few projects going as well. With the holiday season upon us I guess they won't be too difficult to find.
A project that keeps crossing my mind has to do with Pie ....I think it is some kind of cookbook/remembrance book about favorite family pie recipes and of course the Pie Party.
I have begun taking notes about Pies, stories and ideas so if anyone has suggestions or entries that  I should consider please send them my way.

Life is Good!