Wednesday, November 13

Wednesday Weigh-In...Still

Yes the Weight Watchers is still happening. No I am not doing as fantastic as Megan and Laurie....but that is okay. Those two are wonderful and so supportive and inspirational.
I have 20 more lbs. to lose to reach my goal and then 6 weeks of maintenance to go lifetime at Weight Watchers......this is so hard, especially during the holidays. So I have decided that for the the next 7 weeks while I will try my hardest to be good, count my points, eat healthy and exercise, but my goal is to lose or gain. I figure that going forward is always better than going backwards.
I am learning that one bite or half a serving taste just the same.  I am also learning to focus on my meal and savor my food.
One of the the other things WW has taught me this time is to make the choice in decide to not indulge and buy it at the store thus saying no and making the decision once not every time I open the cupboard and see the food in question. Gary is questioning the bare snack cupboard but it is good for all of us to eat better.

Life is Good

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