Tuesday, May 5

Celebrate...It's today!

So yesterday was Star Wars Day---May the 4th be with you. I guess you could call it geek day. My boys loved it and all said to me when I told them May the 4th be with you - "Mom you are such a geek". Today is Cinco de Mayo---a Mexican holiday celebrating Mexico's defeat of the French around 1860. So let's pull out the sombrero and nacho it up.
I look at it this way, any day should be a celebration, or we should have reason to celebrate.
May is a particularly good month to have celebration days for us...between, the regular noteworthy holidays and family birthdays, May is usually one big party!
But you don't have to wait for someone to declare it a holiday.
In the musical Mame, there is a song called "It's Today" This song invites us to make the most of everyday because after all It's Today!
It's Today
Light the candles,
Get the ice out,
Roll the rug up,
It's today.
Though it may not be anyone's birthday,
And though it's far from the first of the year,
I know that this very minute has history in it, we're here!
It's a time for making merry,
And so I'm for making hay.
Tune the grand up,
Dance your shoes off,
Strike the band up,It's today!
And we're living
In the world game,
So this whole game's
What we make.
Call the cops out,
Raise the rockets,
Pull the stops out,
Pull out the stops,
It's today!
Light the candles,
Fill the punch bowl,
Throw confetti,
It's today.
Life can also be lived on a weekday,
So don't depend on a holiday date,
If you need New Year's to bubble,
Then order a double and wait.
There's a "thank you" you can give life,
If you live life all the way.
Pull the stops out,
Hold the roof down,
Fellows watch out,It's today!
It's a time for making merry,
And so I'm for making hay.
Tune the grand up,
Call the cops out,
Strike the band up,
Pull the stops out,
Hallelujah! It's today!
...and if that is not enough.....

I have a couple of books that give a reason to celebrate almost everyday or tell you what "month" it is.
Here is the May list:
May is- American Bike Month, BBQ Month, Better Speech and Hearing Month,Flower Month, Hamburger Month, Physical Fitness and Sports Month, Salad Month, Strawberry Month, Older Americans Month, and Transportation Month just to name a few....as for the days,
We all know about May Day, Mother's Day and Memorial Day, but we can also celebrate--May1, Hawaiian Lei Day & Mother Goose Day. May 4, Weather Observers Day. May 5, Cinco de Mayo. May 8, No Socks Day. May 9, National Teacher Day. May 10, Human Kindness Day. May 12, Kite Day & Ocean Day. May 13, Tulip Day. May 14, Help Clean Your Street Day. May 15, Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood & Chocolate Chip Day. May 16, Wear Purple for Peace Day. May 17, Pack Rat Day. May 18, International Museum Day. May 19, Neighbor Day. May 28, National Hamburger Day.

There, if you don't have or want a reason to celebrate you can find it....and I didn't even google this on the Internet. I am sure if I had I would have found even more.

Everyday is a miracle! We should make it a celebration.

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