Friday, May 22

Hayden in High School Musical

This is my baby boy Hayden as Ryan Evans in High School Musical.
I think He is awesome! In life and in the play.
Hayden is kind of nervous about being the last one home and still in school. He thinks he is living under a microscope, Gary and my attention is now solely on him. He figures he now really has to be on his game.
Hayden missed his recognition night for Junior High School this past week because he was at a final dress rehearsal for HSM. He did however receive numerous awards including "Outstanding IOW Score". He got this award because his testing scores were in the top 99% of the nation....who knew we could create a smart one? I have always known that he was a brilliant kid. In elementary school he was the student everyone wanted to sit by in math and science because he got it. He was reading before the rest of his class and still reads at an advance level....I have always told my kids if you can read you can do anything.
Hayden is our bonus and I couldn't imagine life without him.
Oh, I almost forgot... This production of High School Musical is directed etc... by Megan....and she is doing a wonderful job....maybe this should be her profession....

1 comment:

Melwel said...

Man, that's a cute picture. Hayden was Great!!