Wednesday, March 25

Wednesday Weigh In

So my goal of 5 more pound by my birthday will not be realized unless I stop eating today...which ain't gonna happen.

Anyway 1 more lb. and that is okay.
Yesterday I went shopping with Mom, Melinda, Liz and Christine. We had a fun afternoon. The best part for me was wearing a size 20 pant!!!! I thought I maybe could be in a 22, but a 20, and the 20 is not even tight....that is fabulous!

Last night my new visiting teachers came over...they are both younger and skinnier than me and that is ever they are both runners, something I have never even wanted to do. Why do people run? It makes me breath way too hard, and hurts my chest, it is torture for my knees, the pounding in my head is awful, and is not fun at all...where is the runners high I am always hearing about? I asked then whey they run and they both said because it is easy...they can do it whenever....I still won't be running....maybe a light jog now and then. Someone once asked me if i would run if being chased? I responded with "No, I would have to out smart them some other way to get away or just give up, they would catch me anyway, I am too slow."

I am still exercising however, even if it is not running. I miss it when I don't get out and do it.....that is a big change for me. I saw a report on Valerie Bertinelli on Today. They were discussing her weight loss and how she got in shape for her bikini cover for People magazine. She is 48 (the age I will be tomorrow) and looks great....she lost the weight but had to exercised to get into bikini shape.....It is all about the exercise!

I'll keep watching what I eat, and step up my exercise....maybe by my anniversary I will be 30 lbs smaller.....I hope so......that would be fabo!


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