Tuesday, March 31

If I Had A Million Dollars?

Do You ever think about what you would do with a million dollars? I usually don't think about it until I want to go on a trip, get an expensive catalogue, find a killer outfit, work in my yard and want to make it an escape/staycation location, or pay my taxes.....yikes, TAXES!...I don;'t even want to think about this :(
Anyway, the Million dollar thought has been going through my brain as of late....Some people are really good and want to save starving villages in Africa. I don't usually think that big or generous, and I really don't need much my self.....so why my first or thirty first thought isn't to help the starving in a third world company is beyond me.
I usually want to get me and my family all out of debt first, then I think of the fantastic adventures I would take if I had the money.....
Now, my boys would want to invest it all and live on the interest....this is where men and women differ in my home. The men want to see the money grow and not spend it, and the women want shiny sparkly things.....someone once said that women and fish are alike, both are attracted to shiny objects.
I guess since I am in the list mode I will make a list of how I would spend my million...If I had a million dollars......I'd be rich?

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