Monday, March 30

Monday Mumblings....


In three hours Sunday we got 5 inches of snow! Yes, SNOW! All I know is I went into church and the snow started to fall lightly......when I came out, 3 hours later, my smart car was covered. And the snow storm was at the wined down point......This morning I woke up to 3 more inches of is crazy! The only good thing about this snow is that is is very wet, so it melts shoveling today.

I want to grow old gracefully......I VT a cute lady who is so spiffy and active at 83 that you would think that she might be 70, maybe....She keeps her life busy with things to do and people to serve. I think that is how you do it....keep busy so you don't wither away.

I have a love hate relationship with technology....I love it when it is working in my favor, but I HATE it when i can't get it to do what I need it to printer today has had a mind of it's own. I tried everything to get it to print and still no success......then when I said , I didn't care.......things began to print. Why, I don't know why?

I can't believe that it is almost APRIL ..... when has my month of action gone? I apparently need a re-do on the action thing. I don't feel as though I accomplished or completed anything....let alone started something. I am in charge of me so I guess the re-do is up to me.

50 by 50---love the idea, but the list was a bit more difficult to make than I thought it would be. When you have a limited time to do things in it is harder to put things on the list. You can't put things on the list that you know can't possibly happen in that space of time. I helped myself out by making my list of things I want to accomplish/see/etc.... in this lifetime. It made making the other list a little less ...... final? My life list is looking amazing....boy if I could live that life...what an adventure. I did however put a few fantastic to do's on my 50 by 50 list....I limited myself to 5% amazing goals, 5% everyday goals, etc.... The best part is I can already cross one item off and several other items have a good beginning.

on to a better week!

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