Thursday, February 12

Lunch Bunch

Yesterday I went to lunch with my friends. We try to do this once a month. The lunch usually takes place at a local place, where we will take up the biggest table and proceed to eat, laugh and talk for at least 2 is so much fun! This lunch is like a mini therapy session. We discover what is going on with every ones family and health....we must be getting older. We hear each others complaints, accolades and accomplishments. We share ideas and tips for church lessons and callings, parenting and marriage.
Our friend Lisa is the leader of the group and the one who makes sure we all get together. She is the best...I know I think about calling everyone to get together...but I don't and she does so she is defiantly one of the best! Lisa is also the one who peps us up with a chocolate kiss or two and seasonal, fun, socks...yes, doesn't matter if you gain or loose weight they will fit. Yesterday she gave us Valentines socks....aren't mine cute?

Our children seem to think that the lunch bunch is out to ruin them....According to Nelson the lunch bunch caused the end of he and his friends seminary fun.....He claims that I, and the other Moms, are always telling things during our lunches that would get them in is the seminary tale that has caused some contention.
The Demise of McDonald's Mondays
I knew that Nelson and the boys were skipping seminary and going to McDonalds for breakfast when seminary was on Monday mornings. This would happen about every two weeks. Nelson figured the system out and knew that according to his seminary class absence policy that he could miss on McDonald's Monday but that he couldn't miss again until the next McDonald's Monday, thus making up his absence.....the other boys weren't so clever, they were not making up their absences and so their seminary grades and credit was jeopardized.........because I said something to the moms at lunch about McDonald's Mondays, the boys got into trouble...all but Nelson who's mom-me, already knew the deal.....
(The other boys told Nelson that they got into trouble and had to quit the fun because I told, not because they had to do seminary make up.....)
Here is notice to all of the lunch bunch children----As long as Lisa continues to herd us along we will get together every month. We will continue to eat, laugh and discuss all of you...even if you are bugged by it....don't do dumb stuff and you won't be bothered by what is discussed.
Thanks Lisa and the lunch bunch for keeping me sane and for making me laugh!


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