Monday, February 16

Ahhh the Presidents Day People

I am BEAT! We worked this afternoon at the theatre....we were very,very, busy....did I mention we were very busy?

People were swinging from the trees.....we packed them in as tight as we could into each auditorium, for every movie. It was the best of times it was the worst of times......our best day ever.....leaky roofs and least the power didn't go out!

In my 29 years at the Movie theatre I have learned that people are........well, interesting to say the least. About half of the people in this world (or those who go to the Kaysville Theatre) think that they are 'special', the exception, the one who the rules don't apply to. Those who hear only what they want to hear and those that can do everything better than anyone else.

Today we had several people young and old, who wanted to be the exception and break not only our theatre rules but the Fire Code rules as well. There were about 80 people who didn't listen when told that there were only single seats left in the theatre....then came back and told us"I can't find seats together, there are only singles." We had the instructors...telling us the best way to run several areas of our business. There were the whiners, the criers, the desperate, the talkers, the screamers, the annoying, etc....all crazy over a "life and death" matter called a Movie.....I don't get it. If you can't get in, come back another time or plan further ahead than the end of your nose.
Ah the joys of dealing with the public....I hope that this experience will make me a less 'interesting' person...
Be wise, Be Kind , Be True

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