Thursday, January 22

Smoggy with a chance of chunky air

Did you know that "Smog" is a weather condition? I knew about rain, snow, sunny and the whole lot, but didn't realize that "Smog" was a form of weather until I watched the weather report the other night.
January in Utah is interesting....we have what is called inversion, the valley temperature is cold and warm air comes over the mountains and traps the cold air in the valley and not only traps the cold air but all the bad crap that lives in the air ....the air in the valley gets smoggy,and chunky, it is ugly gray brown and unbreathable. If you leave the valley and go up or over the mountain you will find beautiful clear crisp air, Utah blue sky and warmer temperatures.
So today is smoggy with a chance of rain......and like with all weather conditions there are sicknesses that can go along with them......I haven't caught a winter cold but have caught the smoggy cough. I cough with nothing to show for it. I hack a dry bone rattle.
Oh how I wish the smog would go and my cough with it.
The inversion smog also brings on a winter depression....everything is gray and cold. We get stuck inside with nothing to do...I am restless and coughing.... bad combo. I guess that explains my need to paint...I am looking for change.
Where oh where is my beautiful Utah winter sky? Please weather people change the weather to something other than "Smog with a chance of chunky air."

1 comment:

Melwel said...

I agree about the smog-- YIKES.
Thanks for posting.
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Painting is good therapy!