Wednesday, January 7

A Clean...Blank Slate

A New Year is a clean slate, a chance to begin again.....well not really.
But I am glad that New Years comes right after the holidays. January is the a time to get back on board and do all the stuff you planned to do, and were doing prior to Thanksgiving. I know that most people begin their exercise and diets anew at the New Year....I guess diet is easiest. I personally want to get rid of all the crap that we ate, or didn't eat, and the junk that was given to us in that past two months. My only wish is once the food is gone that I could find a good menu to cook. I do really well with the food until 3:00PM everyday, and then I have to think about dinner and what healthy meal I need to make for my family.....yikes! For some reason the only things I can think of to make are the old un-healthy meals.....thus the overweight family.
The exercise part is easier to do now that I have an exercise buddy.... If you cancel out you feel dumb. Meg and I go to the rec center gym 3 days a week and do cardio on the machines, the other two days we do wii fit, weight training etc. Having a person you are accountable to makes a whole lot of difference.
Now the rest of my life is at a stand still....the only plans I had before Christmas were Wedding and Mission. So what to do now? I have a whole house and a family members I want to work on. As for myself.....I am a blank slate waiting for the plan for me to begin.

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