Wednesday, January 14

To Surf or Not To Surf

Did you know that you could spend all day long reading blogs, googling stuff, checking facebook, following links, and finding useless stuff to buy?
I was lured back to my computer this afternoon because I had some unfinished movie business. Not a good! Once back at the computer I loose all track of time and forget that I have other things to do. I get into this zone....I can't stop!
I have had to limit myself to checking my e-mail quickly once a day, and to not spending more than about an hour surfing the net....I love that term...surfing the net, and I love to surf the net.
It was really easy to limit myself when my computer was sick and not working, however Gary fixed the computer and now it beckons me to 'come and sit, surf, do nothing that needs to be done.'
If only I had the will power.
This morning I heard that high speed Internet commercial about how now they have work speed Internet at home they are better at their jobs...well I thought to myself---How lucky would I be if I could be at 'work', surfing the net all day long..........
As a SAHM my work doesn't require computer face time, only broom face time, and laundry face time.... I have made deals with myself in the past to use the computer.during the day....'if i get my laundry folded then I can look up creative dinner ideas on the Internet.' The problem is I look up more than the dinner ideas and usually find myself scrambling at 5:00 to come up with anything for dinner let alone a creative dinner....I get side tracked looking at all my favorite blogs, especially the wedding and stationary blogs....they are so creative and pretty.
It is now time to figure out dinner... will it be creative, should I or should I not surf the net?

1 comment:

Melwel said...

I think you are funny. I love to surf too, and have to set my limits. I'm sure everyone is having more fun and is more creative than I. Let's plan lunch for Jan...