Tuesday, November 8

The Vote

I am thankful for the opportunity to vote. I know that this isn't a big election year, but we still need to take the time to vote. You really feel the effect of your vote in a smaller community election. You can let the local leaders really know what your feelings are on the issues just by casting a vote.  A close vote lets the winner know that that they ought to take a look at their opponents platform a bit more seriously, since almost half of their constituents want something other than they have to offer.
Here is my voting opinion: Vote against a sitting judge unless you know that hey are doing good. Vote for women, vote for minorities, vote so that there are term limitations....if we aren't going to impose term limitations then our vote has to do it for us.......don't let a US Senator sit longer than 2 terms. That is 12 years, 4 years longer than we allow someone to be President...... I know some will tell us not to vote out the Senator/Mayor/ Governor etc... who has leadership/committee power (Oran Hatch supporters), but if we had term limitations then every elected official would have the same political power/leadership opportunities.
Our forefathers and mothers fought hard for this right to vote. Some will say that their vote doesn't matter, but they are wrong. If you don't vote you are saying that you want to be told what to do, that you want your freedoms to diminish. If you don't vote you are saying that you don't care for things to remain the same or to change. I have a problem with those who don't vote and then complain about our government.  I feel that you have no right to complain about our elected officials if you don't take the time to vote.
 Love this!

Voting is a blessing and I am so thankful to live in a country that gives a voice to it's people...even if it seems like our voice is small a mouse can roar and make a difference.


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