Friday, November 4


I am thankful for good health. We were given this body to do good with here on earth and you can't do much good if you don't have good health....physical and mental health. I am thankful for strong legs that I can walk with. I especially love my morning walks with Meg. We may not walk fast but we do get out. Unfortunately the weather is getting too cold to keep walking outside...I will miss outside walking for the next few months. I am glad that my body as flabby and old as it seems to be getting, can move with out much effort and can exercise to keep my muscles and heart strong and the blood flowing.  I am thankful for a good mind that keeps things straight and organized. I know that it is important to exercise your brain just like it is to exercise you body.......Grandma Butters would read, do crossword puzzles and watch sports to keep her mind strong. I am thankful for good food and clean water that keep me nourished and healthy. For the word of wisdom that reminds me the importance of health and how to keep healthy.
Grandma Butters would ask if you had/were a long liver or a short other words will you live a long life or a short one. She then said if you were a long liver you had better live a healthy life style because the longer you are around the harder it true.


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