Tuesday, November 22


Mom's cancer findings have been one big comedy of errors.....Doctors offices not making appointments, not calling back with test results, not knowing what is wrong or where the cancer is at.......We all want answers and we want a course of action.
The Doctors keep getting the brunt of our venom when we don't hear what we want to hear or if things are slow and messed up......we need to remember that they are practicing. I am thankful that we have doctors who have studied and can help us get through the health trials that we may face. I know that they too are human and that they are trying.
Doctor Prystas is the oncologist we met with today. She answered so many questions and gave us a course of action, a treatment plan.
Mom cancer is:
Endometrial Andino Carcinomatosis…..or most likely the common name of Uterine cancer.
Endometrial Carcinoma is uterine cancer. Andio carcinoma is a cancer cell. Carcinomatosis means the cells have attached or metastasized in several areas.
The cancer is not in the organs but is in the tissue that surrounds the organs and is in the pelvic area in the mesentery area or apron of fat.
- Recommends aggressive Chemotherapy.
Six, four-hour treatments every 3 weeks. Depending on how the therapy is being tolerated.
The drugs used are Carboplatin and Trxall, mixed with an anti nausea drug and benadryl.  
Administered by IV

While we are scared and nurvous mom is positive. She wants to go look for wigs this week since she will lose her hair in the next three weeks.
She told the doctor that she planed on being one of the 20% who are cured...or at least gets 15 more years.
Optimism is one of moms best strenghts.
Mom has so much faith. She knows that things will have a great outcome......and they will.
She needs our faith and prayers.
I know it is all in God's hands.


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