Thursday, November 17

The Maid.......A Home to Clean

I am thankful for the day that the maid decides to show up. It doesn't happen very often but every once in a while things get so messy that she surfaces.......the angels begin singing and the sun shines bright.
Actually I am thankful for my home...the home that I can keep clean.  When you look at your living accommodations compared to the world you realize that you have it so very, very good.
One day when I was complaining about the house (before the fire) Gary reminded me that 3 Korean families would live comfortably in our home and feel like they were living in luxury.  Yes, this stopped my complaints and made me grateful for what we had.
I was reminded once again that I was grateful for our home when we had our fire.....19 years ago Dec. 27 our house burned down. We were without a home of our own.  This make you realize how much you have when you have a home of your own.
So bring it on maid, lets make this place shine like the top of the Chrysler building!
I am thankful for a wonderful, warm, well furnished, home.


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