Monday, November 14

Goodly Parents

I am thankful for Goodly Parents...parents who not only love me, but are a great example to me and my family in so many ways.  They have eternal perspective and I love that.
I remember as a teen having friends who hated their parents, I loved my parents. I remember friends trying to hide their life from their parents, I didn't have to hide because I was taught how to behave and we talked...a lot so they knew what was going on in my life.
Someone once told me that you can have many friends but you only have 2 parents.  I am not saying that parents can't become your friends, I am saying you need parents who are goodly parents more than you need friends.
My parents are goodly in the gospel sense too. They are faithful and strong and true and hold fast to the rod.  I have never wondered where they stand on anything. They talk the talk and walk the walk. They have also been great examples of what a parent is......I am a better parent because of them.
They have taught me that people are more important than things, that if you treated each of your kids the same way that, that wouldn't be fair,  because they are each different people. And most important they have taught me that family is forever!
I love this because now that I am a parent I know that it is true:


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