Wednesday, June 3

Wednesday Weigh In

I am loss, no gain........third week at the same weight.

What is causing this plateau? It is probably because I am not paying attention to what I am putting in my mouth.

I wish I had a personal nutritionist and chef.......I really don't crave a lot of things in the food department, but I get feeling hungry or feeling like I want something to nibble, then I graze on what is ever around.......and what is around and quick and easy is not always the best thing for weight loss.
I have emptied the house of tempting things.......I have made snack bags for my self.....I have even kept my mouth busy with gum or water, but for some reason I still find the worst snacks in the house.....carrots and dip.......
But a nutritionist and chef might possibly help me get healthy good for me snacks.
New week, new resolve to eat better.
I did buy me a new swimsuit and it is a whole lot smaller than I purchased last year.YEAH ME!

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