Monday, June 15

Summer Where are you?...... and other Mumblings

The Forecast is for another week of spring rains....very unusual in Utah.
On the Radio this morning the announcer said "yeah, more rain to water the mushrooms that were once my lawn."
I guess a long spring is okay, after all Summer doesn't officially begin until Sunday.
It is very green and moist....but my garden loves it.
We ate radishes the other day from our garden. The Peas are coming, probably in time for me to leave town. The other veggies are growing rapidly.....especially the tomatoes.

Hayden has been going to Drivers Ed for a week now...he is a great driver. The only problem with early Drivers Ed is that he now thinks he can drive with out any of us, but he won't get his official licence until November 2.

Megan is doing B'way dance summer camp this week. She was thinking that there wouldn't be very many students....wrong she has 16. That is more than enough. They should have fun learning not only how to dance, but how to Dance and Sing different b'way style production numbers. She has a real talent with the pre-teen, Jr. high age students....they love her, and think that she is the last word on all things musical theatre around is pretty fun to watch.

For two weeks now the Missionary has had unbelievable weeks......I told him he must have been studying "How To Have The Best Mission Experiences Ever" text book......wouldn't that be a great book. Anyway our favorite thing he said this week is that his mission is "No party in the Pacific." What visual.

I have two weeks worth of stuff to do since I am vacaying next week.......tough life but someone has to help the travel industry. The extra work really isn't so bad, it is just keeping all the dates straight for the movie schedules.
Since we have been working on the Theatre website....still months to go until it is acceptable to go live......... so, I created the Kaysville Theatre Blog, on blogspot
I couldn't get Theatre spelled this way I had to go with Theater( ends "ER" not "RE") oh well, you can't have everything you want. At Kaysville Theatre you find a customer created site, they last published a schedule in Sept. 2009, they also have memories. Hayden thinks it is do I.

Today is a bit chill...........Summer where are you?

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