Tuesday, June 9

Megal-bagel the Great!

Today is Meggie's Birthday!

24 years ago today our Meggie was born. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. I had been up all night debating on if it was time to call Doctor Frampton and go to the hospital..... I was ready, she was 10 days over due. At 6:00 am we arrived at Mt. View Hospital in Payson Utah. Being the second birth I kind of knew what I was going to experience....my previous labor was long, so long that they told me next time they might want to induce my labor. The morning was slowly moving along, the Doctor visited me while doing his rounds at the hospital. He took a look and told me he was going home, that this baby didn't look like it was in any hurry.
At 8:00 am the nurse hooked me up to a drip to help create a stronger labor......... At 9:00 am I heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir begin their weekly broadcast. Seconds later I told Gary to go get the nurse, this baby is coming. As the nurse sauntered in I was in terrible pain...no pain meds for me. the first time they about killed me. I was shouting at her that the baby was coming, she took a look and the panic on her face told me the baby was coming fast. She tossed Gary his delivery room outfit and told him to hustle and get it on if he wanted to see this baby born. In the hall there was a lot of commotion and shouting for help and to get hold of the Doctor. I was rushed in to a delivery room, the table was askew in the room. Everyone looked frazzled and their was no doctor around. I knew that the nurse was going to deliver this baby, she thought she was too. In the background I could still hear the MoTab as the hospital staff were giving instructions to Gary and the nurse was taking her place to help the baby enter this world. Suddenly everything was spinning and good ole Doctor Frampton rushed in. His scrubs looked as if they had been hastily put on, he was snapping his gloves reached down and caught the baby as she slipped out....... At 9:20 am Megan Call entered peacefully into the world. (I remember hearing the MoTabs closing song as I held her for the first time. To this day I think of her birth every Sunday when their program begins.)Megan looked around with her big eyes assessed the situation then let out a pitiful whine....probably because she felt cold and uncomfortable. She had just been jarred from her 9 = months resting place.....To this day she dislikes the cold and loves cocooning in comfortable safe surroundings.
Megan is our second child, but first daughter. She is the first granddaughter for both the Cole and Call family, still the only granddaughter for the Call's....... it will be 6 years until their is another granddaughter in the family. The name selected for this little monkey like baby girl ws decided upon by me when we were expecting Jordan.......Jordan wanted to call his baby girl or boy "Nochionoes, after Pinocchio. One day he asked if he could just call the baby Nocci, that didn't last. Megan soon had the nick name of bagel. Even her grandpa Bill called her Megal-bagel in a prayer on her blessing day.

Megan has always been a girly girl, but she can hold her own with the boys if called upon. Everyone loves Megan, she is a great sister and friend to the Cole girls, Rachel, Becca & Jenna and Laila.....Laila told her preschool teacher that when she grows up she wants to be Megan. Her brothers turn to her as their confidant and advisor, in return they are her knights, protectors and defenders. As a teacher and director I have watched the students hang on her every word, they idolize her. She was so excited to finally get a sister of her own when Jordan married Laurie....they get along great! Megan's girl friends always look to her as the planner, the fun creator. Megan is not only my daughter, but my friend, exercise buddy and partner in crime. We have so much fun together. Meggie is passionate, creative, committed. She is a defender of underdogs, will mother the motherless, and is charitable in thought and deed, but best of all our Megal-bagel has a huge heart full of love, love that she shares freely. A gentleman in our ward calls Megan "Sunshine." I guess that name is fitting because she not only shines brightly, but she shares a special warmth to all with whom she comes in contact.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Sweet Megan!
Love you Heaps,
P.S. Happy 50th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
I'll celebrate this major accomplishment later.

1 comment:

Melwel said...

I remember this day....and what a skinny monkey baby she was...clinging to arms and such. So cute.
Her beautiful round head and huge eyes. She's still so cute.
You are lucky to be her mom!