Friday, June 5

The End....& The Beginning!

Well, we wrapped up another school year. School can be hard and a I am not referring to getting the grades, but maneuvering socially. So, this year is over and I have a few months to insulate, teach, protect and nurture until I send Hayden back into the lions den...yikes, for mom,not for Hayden........ Hayden tells me he is 'so ready for High School'.
Today was my last day of Jr.High too and I just kept thinking no more Jr. High School, YEAH!!!!
All of my kids did fine in Jr. high so that is not why I am glad that is over. I am excited because they all seemed to escape the trauma and drama that usually goes with that time of life.......I had a bitter sweet Jr. High experience, and I survived.......but my kids, and especially Hayden finished Jr.high without having to survive, they all thrived,and not just socially........Now for my last 3 years in High go to school all over again with your kids.
Looking ahead I keep telling myself that the older 3 didn't fall apart in High School......they all got better..........and I expect the same will be true for Hayden. He is already involved in the High School, He starts Drivers Ed there Monday morning!?!?!?!?! Go Braves!

I'm not saying that we were aren't above a little glitch in the school life every once in a while, but for the most part life in school is great........It is all in the attitude! I think my kids made it through without all of the social yuck because of a good attitude.
I attribute most of their 'life is great' attitude to my wonderful husband Gary. He always looks on the bright side. When the pity parties begin he is there listening, then reminds us that things could and have been worse. He then helps us look for the lesson and how to move on.....and move on quickly.
I am glad that my kids have picked up this positive trait from their dad. The world can be a big scary place......especially Jr.high and High school. But with the right attitude you can always find the bright side. sure makes life better......and it helps you look forward to new beginnings.

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