Friday, April 24

Writing my Eulogy is Friday! Time for that great weekend...The weather is now more spring like so it will be interesting if we get outside things done, It might rain and spoil our I guess it is time for a back up plan.

This week I tried to be a better person, a person of action.... I know this was supposed to have been the decision to master in March, but it is a very involved and a "doing" decision....action is a verb. Mastering this decision may take even another month.

One of the exercises that you are asked to do to help you become a person of action is to write yourself a glowing eulogy....what would you like to have read aloud at your funeral?
Key questions that can help with this process are:
What was your life's work about?
Who was affected as a result of your actions?
Who was made a better person because of you?
What were the three biggest events that happened because of you?
For what will you be remembered?
How as the world different because of you?
After you write your eulogy you are to carry it with you wherever you go. Share your eulogy with the three most important people in your life, and ask them for their feedback and suggestions of what needs to happen for you to become that person in the eulogy...where do you need to begin? An idea to help you visualize and clarify what you want your life to be is to put your eulogy into a a Power Point presentation . Picture will help it keep it in your mind.

So this weekend I have decided that I will embark on this should be enlightening.

Some of the "Action" quotes/statements from Andy Andrews book Mastering the Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success that I really like are;

'I can do nothing about my past . My future is immediate. I will grasp it with both hands and carry it with running feet. When I am faced with a choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act! I seize this moment. I choose now.'

'When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me! He has given me a healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion.'

'I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous.'

I love how these statements make me feel....I want to be remembered as this kind of who acts, who is bold, who does something.

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