Tuesday, April 21

Mmmmm the Smell of ......

I was driving past the city park today and the smell of fresh cut grass smacked me in the face! Ah the smells of summer. I know that spring is still deciding to stick around but there is something about the smell of fresh cut grass....Now I want to BBQ, love that smell and then there is the smell of watered lawns and gardens, sunscreen and melon....I need to stop already, or I will drive myself crazy. Spring smells are aren't as pungent, they are soft...blossoms, rain, fresh tilled dirt, lilacs..... And then there are the fall and winter smells...they are the most homey smells...spicy, sweet, pine, mint, pumpkin, bread, ... I could go on and on but lets just say I am a smeller...no I don't stink...at least I don't think I stink, but I like smells. I am not a super nose like some folks, but smell is a real memory sensor to me.
Food and floral smells can really send me down memory lane, but back to the grass....the smell of fresh cut grass takes me back to my childhood, the fun and games we had on 12th south here in Bountiful. Summer lasted for ever and not just the season, but the days, they also were long.
......Melinda and I would play, and play and play outside. We would build forts, play house, picnic, have races and play night games with the neighbor kids, sail junk down the gutter, climb the trees, play in the sand, we would explore and adventure all summer long, usually in the confines of our backyard. Oh to be so young , to have not a care in the world, to be idealistic and free....... I loved those times. I am so glad for the smell of fresh cut grass to remind me of that life.

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