Tuesday, April 14


April Showers!
Drip, Drip, Drop......the rain is coming down. At least it looks like April and not winter rain...but the snow is supposed to follow.......

I have decide that my weight loss program and my life need more positive affirmations....I am coming off a bad week of dieting....that is no dieting.
So, now is the time to kick it! I am the best, I am doing this for my health, I am strong, I am invincible, I can do anything....I am woman! (What ever happened to Helen Reddy?)

My book group is reading/just read- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, It is a great book! I am so glad that I read it. I discovered unfamiliar happenings from WWII. I figured out what a lost art letter writing has become...the book is written as a series of letters. I think letter writing makes us better thinkers and writers in general. I am sorry that we don't write "real" letters anymore. I guess I could change that and try to write more real letters for corespondance.
I hope we have a great discussion about this book tonight.

What is for dinner...ahhhhh, I must be getting back to normal. I don't think I have even thought about asking what's for dinner in a very long time. I must be springing awake myself after the dreary winter. Maybe I will blossom and no longer have to wonder what is for dinner.


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