Monday, December 8

I Hope NZ is Ready for NC

Well he is really gone...gone to New Zealand for 2 years, 2 long, long, LONG...yes long years.
While Nelson was at the MTC in Provo it was just like a practice, I figured he could get home or I could get to him if we really needed to....but NZ is so, so , SO, SO far away! If he wanted to really get home he couldn't even do it by foot! When Jordan was on his mission in St. Louis, I figured that if something really catastrophic happened that he could always walk home, after all our pioneer ancestors once walked from there to here. But Nelson is going across the ocean, to unknown territory.

So I spent the morning crying, doing my theatre work and crying. Megan thought something awful had happened when I came downstairs for lunch. My face was tear streaked and the mascara was missing from my bottom lashes....yikes what a sight. No nothing awful, a mission is wonderful, but he is going so far a way for so, so long....yes Elder Nelly will be missed.

The only really good thing that came out of today was his phone call from the Airport! I got to talk to my boy for 25 minutes! He sounded wonderful. He is so positive and excited, I couldn't put a damper on his enthusiasm, so there were no tears, just tales of what has been happening, and re assurance that we are getting his letters. He has been writing letters and sending them snail mail from the MTC, he said " it's a mystery if you are getting my letters." Gary and I took to reading between the lines...He is a child of cellphones, text messaging and e-mails, he loves to have the immediate response and info at his finger tips. Writing a letter long hand and mailing it off, then waiting for a week for a response is like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it into the ocean and hoping that someone will find it and respond. He will figure it out.... at least in NZ he will have e-mail...but still a weeks wait for answers.

Anyway...the funniest part of his phone call was him telling us that he purchased a news paper after checking in the airport, so as to discover who would be playing in what bowl games. I guess old ways die hard....I am sure the fact that he couldn't look up the info on his blackberry yesterday about did him in. He is an information junkie just like his dad.....I hope that he realizes that the only info he know will need can be found in his scriptures and on his knees.

I hope that NZ is ready for Elder NC...because he is ready to be there! ....... and I am ready for my Christmas phone call!


1 comment:

Melwel said...

So cute. He's going to be great...and so are you. Now I'm crying just thinking about 2 so very , very long years. Life is sweet
Love ya