Thursday, May 13


I am behind this week due to the face thing...which by the way has improved significantly.

So here is the Weigh In....I am going down very, very slowly...these last 40 lbs. might be the death of me. I now need toning more than ever. My skin is flabby and muscles seem very week.....where is the magic skin my boys talked about as little boys? We kicked it up a bit at the gym this week and decided that besides walking we would do a more intense gym work out as well...intense for me is most likely a normal persons beginning workout.....hey, I am trying.
I still need to eat better and get more water into me every day.
The problems with eating better is that nothing sounds appealing to you are thinking then the weight should be falling off, not. Just because it isn't what I would choose to eat doesn't mean I won't eat something, anything to find that perfect food to fill the void. Also coming up with what to eat and then having to make it and clean up after myself is just not fun to think about. I made up my mind today that I was going to make the weekly menu and follow through. i am going to make what is on the plan even if I don't want to and it doesn't sound appealing....I know pretty grown up of me. I hope this new resolve works out.

As for the painting too is coming along very, very slowly....I have about half of it done if I stop and don't do any decorative painting...which is something, the decorative painting, I really would like to do IF I can do it in other words it probably won't happen and I can officially say I am half way done with the what to do with all the stuff /furniture/junk/etc....that is sitting in the center of the room. I have other stuff I want to load the room up with.....maybe a garage sale?

The rest: The garden is looking good, the rest of the yard is not....too much rain and cold to work out side. The other projects are just someday projects for the moment.....making a ton to do this summer. At least I have projects/work to look forward to on top of the rest of my daily jobs...oh well as they say no rest for the ...wicked or weary.

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