Tuesday, May 4

Biography stuff or junk?

With the out of control painting project, several other projects become a necessity........ I am currently working through the cleaning stuff out and getting rid of project.
Today's ? as I work is......
Why do we keep so much stuff? Last night on How I Met Your Mother, I laughed when Ted brought out the "For my Biographer Box." What a kick I thought. Today looking at my things and stuff today that is exactly what all the boxes I have hanging around really are; the scraps that may or may not give a biographer an insight to who I am.
While going through some of the boxes I came to the conclusion that no one would really know me from the stuff I stored. All you can really tell about me from the stuff in the boxes is that I keep meaningless pieces of paper, I am a pack rat who boxes up old envelops, bills etc....usually to hid away while cleaning up for an event (I clean up for events really well). That I have good intentions of creating scrapbooks for my kids full of certificates, childhood art work, report cards, etc...... As a biographers treasure map to who I am, most of the stuff I keep boxing up would be pointless.....Why have I kept any of it? For the most part no one would care about it. All it really is, is a fire hazard and stuff your kids or grand kids will most likely trash when you are gone.

So out with the garbage, and the things and stuff that are meaningless......(unfortunately I will probably replace it with the next 10 years of crap.....am I a mini hoarder?)

To my posterity in many, many, many years to come: Please no complaints that I (Memaw Marcie) didn't keep any 'cool' stuff, school papers, old bills, or bits and pieces that validate that I existed, but really don't tell you who I am/was. You all should thank me for trashing a lot of meaningless stuff; stuff that doesn't really give you any idea of who I was, how I thought or what I loved.

To me today....PLEASE stop saving crap, junk, bits and pieces of stuff that is worthless, and will still be worthless in the many, many, many years to come. Please don't keep it unless it can tell a biographer who I was, what I thought and what I loved.

....good intentions!?!?!?!

1 comment:

Melwel said...

I like this idea...and what you are doing about it.