Monday, May 17

The Fit Counts

Today I was visiting with a woman that I often see and she exclaimed how great I looked. She couldn't believe how much more weight I had lost......I was thinking to myself, I really haven't lost much weight since the first of the year so why all of a sudden did she notice?
Looking back over the past month I was trying to decide what was different that at other times I had seen this woman as opposed to today and even yesterday? Well the only difference I can come up with is clothing. Yesterday and today I was wearing clothing that was actually my current size and not a size or sizes too big....hummm. Both outfits fit me nicely and didn't pull tight, or hang baggy on my body.
What a great lesson on there is nothing like the right fit of your clothing to make you look slimmer.
I think we often hide behind our clothing, letting it be a bit baggy. We don't want things to be too tight, but I also think if anything we will go a 1/2 size or more up in our clotting and purchase things that hang away from our bodies, so that we can mask our real shapes. Instead all we are doing is adding poundage.....I guess a good fit really does count. for thought.

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