Saturday, March 20

Faux Life

Mom called my time here in NYC my fake life, and I guess it is pretty fake or faux to sound more fake. No everyday hassles, no house to clean, no meals to fix.....what ever. The worst part about it is that my faux life doesn't include all those I love living a faux life as well.
Anyway for my last full day living the faux life I got to do my thing until 7:00, then it was back to being the VPs wife...tonight was a bit better since it was a dinner at an Italian restaurants. Food was okay....I think we all develop tastes for different things and If I were living my faux life I am not sure this restaurants would make my list of favorites.....but it is one of Sam and Holly's....thought do people like this stuff because of the wine they are drinking?....all I wanted was a diet coke and couldn't get one at the restaurant, but got one on our way back to the hotel....maybe the food would have Bern better if I had a diet coke to wash it down with.
Back to my day of shopping and seeing In the Heights. It was very good. There were a few actors still in it who originated their rolls but the 3 big leads were all gone....and it was still good. Sometimes you wonder if a show is good only because of the talent and when they leave the show closes....this is what will happen to the Addams Family if it lasts even that long.
Sunday....sleep in and relax. We will spend half of the day flying, but it is time to be home , back into my real life.

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