Sunday, January 3

It's a New Year...Hello 2010

Happy New Year...remember 1999 when we were all so worried about it becoming 2000.....well now it's 2010 and look at us, no crazy worries, no crazy scares.
I am excited for the new year...several new things and happenings for the Call Family......We are beginning the next generation.....Jordan just called and said that they are on their way too the see if the baby is coming....contractions are consistent and have happened every night for the past three days. We are hopping the time is at hand......
Gary and I are becoming, kind of scary.....I am not old enough or wise enough or anything enough.... I hope that i am a good, fun, grandma.
Other new things and happenings....Jordan should graduate...Megan should too but she won't commit to when. She needs to see a counselor and figure things out. I am pretty sure she is done and could heaver a degree. I know she isn't done with the teaching thing...but come on already.
We have a new driver...Hayden. He has been driving legally since November...but it is still new....he is a scary driver in the Suburban....

I also have several new resolves and some new and old to dos for this upcoming year.
On Facebook I asked who had a diet/fitness goal for the new year.....I had an overwhelming response of 'yes that is my goal.' ....So once again a year of healthy eating and exercising. I actually said I missed my daily exercise today did Megan. Who would have ever guessed those words would have come out of my mouth.
We are cleaning out the cupboards and refrigerator tonight...junk out healthy in. We were all going to give up soda pop, but have decided to not go that far until after the Musical is over....we might need the fizzy caffeinated support.....
I want to make it to the Temple once a week ....I have done this in the past but for some reason lost the habit and now I am having a hard time finding the time....I just need to make an appointment and keep it.
I also want to get some more education this year....To do what I want I will have to self educate on the Internet, through the library and with trial and error....but it should be, draping and pattern making here I come.
Home projects are always on my to do list and this year is no is time to finish up the loft...I know I began last year and it is still in transition. It is becoming mine, Hayden and the grand kids fun and project space......
I have to re decorate, paint and re purpose.
Once again Lots to do and not enough time to do it....

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