Monday, June 7

Yeah......Let the Summer Begin

It is the first Monday of Summer. I take any opportunity I can to find a beginning, to set new goals, to make a fresh start. Today is no exception.
We started with a new kicked our butts, but we will endure and continue to do it until it is no longer a challenge. We didn't walk any further than we have been walking we just changed up the intensity by making half of it a climb up hill. My legs are already feeling a bit of the work out.
The Diet plan is in place.....I have menus in hand so it is much easier than I had anticipated. I also like tracking what i am eating.....I am told that tracking or a food journal is a key factor to weight loss. I of course am weighing everyday even thought you aren't supposed to on WW, but hey that is okay.
Now on to making the every week stuff fit in with my new resolve.

Goals for the summer: June 7th to Labor Day
Diet and Exercise- Lose 20 lbs. Exercise for at least 40 min. 5 days a week. Eat according to menu plan.
Home- Finish loft. Basement- Home Theater space painted, screen, etc... Nelson's room cleaned up and re-decorated. Megan's room cleaned out and re-decorated. Storage room cleaned out.
Yard - Retaining wall for front garden. Brick Mail Box.
Family - Weekly activity. Lunch with M & L once a month. More time with Sisters and Mom.
Spiritual - Read the Book of Mormon. Temple once a week.
Financial - Save an extra $100.00.

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