Monday, November 24

A Week of Thanksgiving - Gary

Why does it take a day to jump start my thankful heart. I am truly thankful for so many wonder people and things all the time, I tell HF that I am thankful every day, but for some reason I don't think to vocalize it to others until this time of year.
So this week I am going to compile a list from my thankful heart...which is probably futile because I know that my list of people and things would be forever long, and I will cry thinking of my blessings because I am so emotional...but here it goes--

I am thankful for my wonderful husband Gary he is my world, he makes me a better person and my life an adventure. I can't imagine life without him so I am so glad that we are stuck together for eternity. Hugs and kisses to my one and only, my true love! Thank you for putting up with me and my hair brained ideas, my mood swings, and loving me in spite of myself.
You are the best ! ---xoxox.
(more later the tears are getting the better of me, mascara is staining my cheeks and these are happy tears).

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