Wednesday, February 10

Wednesday Weigh In

ARGH!!!! What is happening...nothing lost for weeks and now I have gained!?!?!?!
So, I am starting again with the weight loss, exercise, eating healthy thing.....
Focus, new beginnings, re-commitment, a day at a time, etc....
I need new menus, recipes, desire..... I have been looking at the cookbooks and food magazines for a few days now and nothing even sounds good... that is probably why I am grazing and eating the junk; fat, sugar, bad carbs .....I am trying to find something to satisfy my hunger.... and I am not even hungry in the hungry sense, but I want something. I am in need of something, but what?
I think my poor eating is just a bad habit that I need to break, again....I guess the holidays bring it all back on.
As for what I am needing......who knows? I need to find a focus and get buried and forget about food.

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