Friday, February 5

...clutter, stuff, junk, crap, memories...

I have so much stuff I need to either find a home for or just get rid of....the problem is the getting rid of.
It's the memories or the I might need things that keep creeping in and stopping my clean out. Seriously, my life is so full of stuff that I really can't get anymore stuff until I get rid of the stuff I have. I said stuff, but truthfully if someone else were to go through my stuff most of it would get junked, even the sentimental memory things...I guess it is really why can't I get rid of it and make make my life clutter free?

I have been working off and on in my bedroom today trying to make the furniture fit and trying to make it a nice, relaxing place to far it is a bigger mess than when I started.

I have sorted things into keep, give away and garbage, but unfortunately the keep pile is very large still with no place for it to go...I need an intervention.

I have been reasoning why the keep pile is so big.....a lot of the things there are things that I really do need to keep and, family memorabilia, etc...but then there are the things that I feel I need to keep because what if I want it someday? This is where my life of stuff/junk collecting begins....why get rid of it I might need it again.....

I heard a closet organizer once say that if you haven't worn it in a year then get rid of it.....I guess that is what I should do with most of the 'other stuff' in the keep pile...If I haven't needed it in the past year, then give it away. But we all know what happens then...I will want something that I gave away. What to do?!?!?!?!?!

Do I want to be known as the junk piler and keeper, or even a hoarder when I die...... oh no!
Off to throw stuff out.....I am not a hoarder. I am not a hoarder. I am not a hoarder.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let it go, Marcie! If you have not seen it for a year and now, that you have seen it, think you need to keep it, wrong. Let it go! You can do it!
(Will be there the last week in April if you need some help.)