Monday, November 9


It's Thankful Month and boy do I have tons (or heaps) to be thankful for!

FAMILY...always number one on the list..........what would I do without them? Their Love, Support, Example, Help, Kindness, Attitude, Prayers, etc...... I couldn't live without.
My family immediate and extended are not a good way. I think we like each other, we support each other, we are each others BFF's......which according to my other friends is not normal. Apparently you are supposed to dislike your family, think of them as a nuisance, you can't count on them......Not my family. I believe we are a very close supportive family because of how we were the end...the very end....endure to the end up with your family, so you might as well figure them out while here on earth and practice being together forever.


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