Friday, September 4

Where Does the Time Go?

I can't believe it is Friday, that it's September, that school is going, that I sent Nelson birthday package off.......I really can't believe that this day is gone.
I have to much todo list not enough tada left.

I have been watching Project Runway, I know everyone else watched it when it was over on Bravo, everyone kept telling me that I would love it and I do. So hey I came late to the party.....anyway, watching the show makes me want to design youthful dream.....I doddle design clothing often. There are days when I think why can't make this or that.......I don't really sew for my self or family, it's not affordable....but boy if I knew how to draft my own patterns that may change.....also if I wore a reasonable size I might do more personal sewing. I love to make historical costumes,and do the research into fashion when doing costumes for any show....watching Project Runway keeps poking at me to do more.......maybe that is what I am supposed to do. I have been looking for what to go back to school for/in. I guess I am just a late bloomer, or I had to wait for a design school to come to me, which it now has.....I think it has.The Salt Lake Institute of Design supposedly has a fashion design school and at least it is a reasonable commute from our home.......I will have to take a closer look at things.
Maybe the time hasn't really past me by, maybe I have had to fill my time with other things and experiences so that I could be ready for this step in my life......maybe I get to begin again?