I have been in a funk for sometime now and so to help me get out of it I thought back to when I was not feeling so meh.
One of the things I discovered was that when I am not so funky I was a better blogger.....
I guess that means I am committing to blog more. I apparently do better when I let the junk out of my brain through my finger tips.
I also haven't been walking outside regularly, so this morning I got out and walked to clear my mind. It was a beautiful morning. I came in feeling energized and ready to go forward.
I also do better when I have projects so I will get a few projects going as well. With the holiday season upon us I guess they won't be too difficult to find.
A project that keeps crossing my mind has to do with Pie ....I think it is some kind of cookbook/remembrance book about favorite family pie recipes and of course the Pie Party.
I have begun taking notes about Pies, stories and ideas so if anyone has suggestions or entries that I should consider please send them my way.
Life is Good!