Friday, March 2

Mad Marchness

March Madness, Mustache March, Munch Madness, Madness to the Max.....apparently march and madness go together.
So I ave been thinking about what to focus on in March and since it is a long month and I will have plenty of time, So my mad thought is Organization, De-cluttering, getting things out of my life that are making me mad.
That means the closets and cupboards emptied, sorted, stuff through out and then put away with a purpose.
While visiting Gary's aunt and uncle in Cali a few weeks a go it was inspiring to look in the closets, cupboards and drawers and see a neat, minimal, organized approach to keeping stuff.
I have too much stuff and most of it is not used or even needed so I need to part with it so as to get things in order and stop the madness.


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