Tuesday, December 6

I'm Singing....

'The Best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing out loud for all to hear!'
Love, love, love this from the movie ELF.......and it helps that Christmas music is the best to sing along with.
Christmas songs are for the most part......except for a few previously mentioned songs..........joyous, happy, cheerful. Do you ever wonder why there is Christmas caroling, why choirs sing so often during the season, why every group who sings or plays music is booked or doing some kind of program at Christmas or why there are so many season specific CD's? It is because the music is so wonderful!   And so fun to sing.
I  love singing and don't understand those who don't. Saturday morning we had our ward family Christmas brunch. Part of the activities was singing Christmas songs. I was disappointed in those who wouldn't sing along...come on people you have heard most of theses songs your whole life, I know you know them. Don't tell me you were embarrassed. Why be embarrassed, no on cares that you are singing the songs, no one is listening to you or looking at you and judging..... Sing to fill your soul with happiness!
I love musical theater because singing is the extension of the greater emotion.....happy or sad. Years ago a friend said he hated musicals because when do groups of people break out in song and dance.......okay so theater is fictitious, but hey we would all be better off if we would break out in song and dance down the street more often.

I'm singing..........Spread some cheer and sing out loud for all to hear!


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