Friday, December 2

Big Wind

I am talking real wind, hurricane or tornado force winds.......we experienced major winds here in Bountiful. I woke up very early Thursday morning to what sounded like a freight train going round and round our house. At 5:40 I got up and looked at the damage to our house.....minimal to none...we were very blessed. By 6:15 the power was out and didn't come back on until just after midnight...we were the blessed ones once again.  With the major winds and power out we weren't sure what to about school, driving to school etc.... Nelson went to school, but took a bigger car. He had a presentation to do. According to the news I-15 north bound was closed.....making it impossible for her to make it to school in a timely manner. I then text Angela and asked her about school since when we are without power the high school usually is as well......she told us if you don't have a test 1st period to stay home. By 9 am they had canceled school, no power.  Gary and I were going to a screening and figured that since we had no power, internet etc... and we were going south that we should just go. We returned around noon to explore the neighborhood.  When we went out to asses the damage we discovered lots of Pine trees down....lots and lots of pine trees...lesson learned don't plant pine trees in windy areas....besides they are garbage trees. Trees everywhere...on houses and cars, across the sidewalks and was amazing to look I said we were blessed. Our only casualties at home were a missing recycle can, and a lid to the hot tube supply storage box.  Our yard has never looked so clean.
The casualties at the Movie Theater were also letters lost from the marquee, a loose marquee panel that was easy to fix, and upon closer inspection two missing old Air Conditioners.....where they went we do not know....but I ma sure it was a surprise to where ever they landed....Gary says they probably disappeared in pieces.  Today we still had no Internet which means no credit cards at the theater...not a big problem, just inconvenient.
When we were home we kept warm by the fire, and still our house was a cool 57 degrees when we bundled up for bed.
We were very blessed, other family and friends not so much.....around the corner 10 huge pine trees came down. Adam had a tree downed into power lines. Jeff and Lisa lost their fence, all the trees in their back yard and their outdoor Christmas display was mangled.....for most people that would be a minimal loss, for them it was a huge loss, their Christmas decorations are always classy but over the top for a residence. We still have neighbors without power and it is 36 hours since it went off initially.
Weather experiences humble you and remind you that you are not in charge.


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