Friday, January 28

Time Flies

Wow, where did January 2011 go? I can't believe it is the 28. I still have tons to do for the month but it is at an end......darn VT-ing!!!!
SO on to February, lots to do in Feb as well, and I might just get it all done. Up for the month are several shows to see, home projects to finish, Valentines Day, with cookies to make and deliver, a Bro & Sisters party, a few more B-Days, and VT-ing......among other things.
I also realized that it is time to hit finishing the Eagle Scout stuff hard..... right now we have a few months that are mostly free....ha, ha, ha, with Hayden free time is impossible, but he is less busy right now! SO we will have to work the Scout stuff into the plan....the best thing about it is that I can sign things off for him now and that is a great change to the program. Also the YM pres. is on my side and Jordan is in charge of the Scouting program in his ward so he can lead and guide me......Hayden tells me he doesn't care if he gets his Eagle Scout, but I told him that he will be getting it so he won't be the only brother with out it. At least he is willing to work with me on it.

WEEKEND! one of the better words in the English language.....even when they are hectic they are good.
We have another funeral this weekend, the third this month in our ward, and the fourth for me. On Saturday we will celebrate Arvid Larson's life. He was a great man who lived on the street behind us. He was a sharp dresser, and always quick with a great discussion on almost anything. Over the years we have all enjoyed talking with him and helping him out. For the past year and a half he has been home bound so I would see him when I would attend Scripture study group with his daughter, in his home, and Hayden had the privilege of taking him the Sacrament every Sunday. I know he would look forward to not only taking in the Sacrament but for the visit with Bro. Larson. I always knew a good friendship had been formed between the two, but this knowledge was confirmed when they asked Hayden if he would be an honorary pal bear for the funeral. It is nice to have wonderful people influence your kids, especially when they are so impressionable.


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