Friday, July 11

What Up???? Scenes from this past week.

 Thanks to The Morley's we had fun on July 4th. It was great to be with Melinda, Krysin and Cindy my girl cousins...we spent many a summer swimming at Grandmas....GREAT MEMORIES!!!

 My dudes at Dudes Food Truck in Bountiful. Jordan had the boys while Laurie was at girls camp. so I treated them to dinner jumbo corn dogs, fires, and turtle eggs (fried Oreo's) Captain A loved it! I told him we were going to go get corn dogs and he walked right up and began ordering food. 'Dude' just laughed at him and them said "I bet he is a red personality?" We all chimed in "yes he is," which made 'Dude' laugh... 'Dude" came out and talked to us about all kinds of things and wanted Jord and Nels to come to a competitive eating contest he wants to sponsor this month. CA chimed in about eating lots so I  think he bonused us on the fries because CA is so awesome, and funny.

It's new double kettle popper time in Kaysville. We did the inaugural run on Wednesday July 9. Definitely a big learning curve to it, but we will figure it all out.

Life is good!!!

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