Saturday, June 22

Happy Birthday Gary!

It's my honey's Birthday today!

We always come up with some kind of adventure to celebrate the day....that is what is nice about summer; stuff to do.  This year like so my other years we are off to the Northern Utah Parade of Homes.  No we won't do all the homes in one day but we will start today.
 Tonight we are off to dinner then to see Spamalot at the Ziegfeld in Ogden; bonus is that our nephew Aaron is Lancelot in the show.

Love you Gary! You are my hero, my calming hand, my reason, my hope and joy.
I am planning on many, many more birthday celebrations with you!


Wednesday, June 19

Wednesday Weigh In- Weight Watchers

Well I have jumped in and joined back up with Weight Watchers...and not just the on-line version, but the go to the meetings and be weighed version.
Laurie wanted friends to go with her to help her loose the baby weight. Megan jumped at it as did Laurie's mom Karen and I said okay I am in (Mom would have loved this and joined with us) Saturday morning.....yes I got up early. We signed up!  To me this whole thing is now a competition...that is the Cole/Butters coming out.... I want to be the best and loose the most, the fastest. I know that is not what it is all about, but hey what ever motivates you.
The Weekend was a mess, but Monday morning I began in earnest, really watching and tracking my points......every food has a point value (even the LaffyTaffy that kept calling my name and begging to be eaten...they are 1 pt. a piece) and you are given an allotment of points for the day.
The Tracking has never been easier since they have a whole on-line tracking and calculating app. I totally love the app. It makes this whole thing a whole lot better. I can look up in an instant food point values and decide if I want to eat it...... The whole on-line support in addition to the meetings is awesome.....
The best thing about the WW points thing is that most fruits and veggies are free points so you can fill up on them if you are still hungry.
Today I have had a heck of a time getting my points used since I have eaten so many fruits and veggies, and I am stuffed.
I can do anything for the next 12 weeks and then I am going to re-evaluate this diet choice. I will probably keep going since it is the closest to what I do when I truly diet.
When I began for real to lose weight 5 years ago it was a good thing. Today I am 80lbs. lighter than when I began and I have kept it basically off...there have been a few 5 to 10 lb. gains but I have really kept it under control by weighing everyday, exercising and paying attention to what goes in the mouth. I have set 10lb. goals, because you can only do it a bite at a time and I didn't gain it all in one big gain so what makes me think I can loose it that way? My goal is to loose another 30 lbs. This is very doable......

Let the games begin!


Tuesday, June 18

Tubby With Awesome

It is summer and we thought it would be fun to do the sprinklers, however it was a bit chilly so we had a tubby party according to Captain Awesome!

Here is a month old CK or Superman!

Love being a Grandma!

we need a real pool.........


Monday, June 10

ELder Call

Yes he is a winner!
The t'shirts were made by a member for them......

Monday, June 3

Habits and June

June- Summer- Family- Fun
 Yeah for June! It is time to discover a new normal, new opportunities, and to experience new growth, personally and for the family.

The garden is finally planted thanks to J & L and their greenhouse veggies. No, my garden doesn't have a big variety this year but it has been planted with the fixings for salsa. I also planted some squash and a few melons. I hope they all work out.
Now for a few flowers......

We don't have a lot of big plans for this summer, besides doing the usual Bear Lake and a few family parties. I might just have to create some summer fun stay-cations or mini- cations to keep us all happy and doing things together.

Yes it is true, you create new habits in 21 days..... not necessarily good habits, but habits all the same.
After a long month of doing a different routine, I thought no problem, I can jump right back in to my old ways (even though I neglected them for 31 days)......yikes, not so fast...... It has been interesting trying to get myself back up to speed with my diet and exercise and my household and theatre routine, they have all suffered. But that is okay, I wouldn't have traded the past month.
Anyway the biggest challenge with beginning again is that I am not up to speed. the learning curve isn't has steep as when I first began, but I am not as good as I was.......the muscles ache again, the pantry isn't stocked so I go for the easy high calorie junk, and the menus need re-working. Eating out all the time isn't as good or glamorous as I once thought it would be.  And my house needs a good dusting and de-junking. I have stacked  and stacked knowing that I would eventually put it all away. Eventually is now.....
I think that while I am re-forming the habits I will sneak in one or two new things I need to be better at, after all I don't think my brain will notice or resist.

I will have to think on it all...time to keep forming good habits.
Awesome making me smile...puddle jumping!