Saturday, March 9

I'm Alive

Yes, I am a live, I just have had a hard time trying to decide what is worthy of writing about.....I need to get back in the 'this is a kind of a journal' frame of mind....anyway today while reading some of my favorite blogs I decided that the time has come to begin again... at least write something.

I think I have been in a life is changing depression. Not a deep depression but a mini one where in I can act and am not debilitated, but I am merely existing, I am just floating along getting by. Today I decided that I have been living in my books. Thinking on this I know I have read at least 3 books a week since the first of they year, yeah that is a lot of time and a lot of books....and by doing so I have been ignoring life around me, getting lost in others lives. I have time traveled back to the 9th century, gone to many a ball in the Regency era, traveled extensively around the world and through time, lived in the country and city, solved murders, kidnappings and other crazy crimes. I have learned a little about shoe making, movie making and fashion.....  I could go on but It is time to emerge from my self inflicted library and enjoy my life a little more.

This week will be better and I will enjoy my life a little more. Maybe it all has to do with the winter freeze we experienced this winter and the quick thaw that is happening....I must be thawing as well.


1 comment:

Melwel said...

Hey I get it. I'm glad we went to lunch though. IT's good to see Spring around the corner.