Monday, December 3's almost time!

 Soon -to-be Elder Hayden Call

The count down to leave is almost over...yikes! We have 9 days and he is out of here. I am a bit weepy when I think on it all. I am also very excited for him. But I have done it before and survived.

I keep reminding Hayden that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and if missions were that bad there would be a lot more dead missionaries. Besides if Jordan and Nelson can do it, it should be a breeze Hayden.

I think Hayden is our most prepared missionary, but he is also our most dependent child.....come on he is the baby of course he is dependent.

There is a lot, but not, left to do before he leaves....a lot for me to do to have peace of mind and for the greet after our Sunday meeting. But not a lot because the list has all but 3 things crossed off.

Oh the fun!


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