Captain Chatty was over last night....he is so much fun!
He talks non stop and has the funniest high pitched sound. He will repeat almost anything he hears and has a typical boy sense of humor.
Some of his latest funnies.....
We were saying the dinner prayer. He fold his arms and in the middle of the pray decides he is thirsty he keeps his arms folded and reaches for his cup and then takes a drink, all with one his arms folded. Now I know it is possible but who would have thought a 2 year old would figure this out.
At he same meal I asked Nelson to get us some pickles and all Captain would then say was picko, picko...and then proceeded to eat 5 dill pickle slices....and he would have eaten more if I would have let him. He loves tart food.
His food tastes surprise me and textures play a big part in his ability to consume. He will try almost anything, however this doesn't mean he will keep it in his I said texture will get to him before taste.
He downed half a kiwi fruit and like saying kiwi.
He knows that i keep my treats and snacks in a closet with a normal door and will knock on the closet door and ask for a gold fish or cookie.
Captain loves playing with the is a big run around with the little guy running from or after Hayden. Captain with his baby football shrieking over and over hike or touchdown and Hayden with his nerf trying to teach him how to hike or hold the ball.
He loves Hayden and last night when Hayden got home he had to shower and Captain wanted to play.....he would knock on the bathroom door and say Hayen. He tried to get me to open the door and when I wouldn't tried something new.....he saw the light coming through the bottom of the door and got down on the floor, he tried to put his fingers under the door (very reminiscent of my days with young kids trying to find a few minutes peace only to see little fingers fluttering under the door.) then he said "peek a boo I see you." I laughed out loud it was so funny. Hayden said I'm glad he didn't really see me, it might have damaged him for life.
He loves our iphones and ipads and knows how to use them. I opened a sound effects app on my phone knowing he would get a kick out of the sounds. He pushed the buttons and was amused, but reacted as a true little boy when he triggered the burp and fart button. He laughed and laughed and wanted to do it again and again. I said 'excuse me' when he triggered those the sounds so now he wants to play 'scuse me.' I guess we are all wired to giggle at those sounds. As Rachel says " farts is funny."
Love being a grandma...even though he says 'gampa gary' and calls me 'gama' or nothing at all.