The two happiest events in Bills life were when the Theatre was swinging from the trees with a sell out house and when the family was gathered together. At family times he would tell family stories, bear his testimony and remind us of who we are and who we came from.... he was proud of his heritage.
I have two wonderful parents, but when you marry sometimes you are lucky enough to get two more parents...... parents are better than friends; you can have lots of friends but you only have 2 parents (and sometimes 4). I am lucky that I got two more great parents. Parents care, advise, pray for and love you even when you are a grown up. Years ago someone asked Bill why our family had the theatre? His first response was "So my daughters in law can be at home with my grand kids." That was very special for me. The theatre did and still does offer me the ability to be a stay at home mom and to work along side of my kids. I know that this made a difference in all of our lives...thanks Bill for loving us all that much.
Bill wanted us to be happy and didn't want to interrupt our lives for waiting on him. About a month a go he told us to keep doing what we have planned, to support our kids and to keep our lives going. true to form of not wanting to interrupt; last Friday when we knew things were bad we wanted to go be with him and Mary, but we were told to go to Hayden's football game. We knew that he would want us there, but it was hard. During the game we waited for a phone call from Mary telling us to come and be with Bill before he passed, but it didn't come .....Hayden played the game of his life. I had moments of sadness knowing that Bill was missing it and would have loved it. I then looked at my cute grandson and my heart hurt knowing that he wouldn't get to know his grandpa Bill like we all knew him. The football game ended with a big win and when it was over and Gary and I reached our car and when things were quiet the call came, not telling us to come before he passed, but that he had moved on peacefully from this life. It was just like Bill to wait until the game was over.
Interestingly enough we had been hoping that we could find a way to get Bill to the Bountiful vs. Clearfield football game on Friday Sept. 30....we thought that since it was closer to his home that maybe we could load him and his wheelchair up and let him see Hayden play....he loved football and loved talking about it with our boys. Anyway I know that he will be there tonight watching Hayden play.....and that he will be with us during all important family events.A friend said that one of the hardest part of loosing a parent is not being able to call them up and brag on your family......
When you lose someone special to you there are not enough words available to express you felling about just know that I loved Bill and I will miss him terrible.
I love this picture of him.
Howard William Call Jr.

Howard William Call Jr. owner of the Kaysville Theatre, passed away peacefully at home Friday, September 23, 2011 three months after being diagnosed with cancer.
He was born April 5, 1932 in Brigham City, UT to Howard Sr. and Phyllis Jenson Call.
Married his high school sweetheart Mary Call April 14, 1952 in the Logan Temple.
He served in the Navy as an electricians mate. Later he built a sail boat from a picture in a magazine and taught himself to sail. His was the first sailboat on Bear Lake.
Professionally Bill was involved in the development and manufacturing of numerous components for various aerospace programs, both military and commercial as related to printed circuit boards. He worked in Utah, California and Belgium. Like Bill Gates he found a college degree unnecessary. He was a self-taught, self-made man.
An active member of the LDS Church, he served in four Bishoprics as Counselor and Clerk. Bill was also called to the Young Men's and Sunday School organizations. He was a master teacher and enjoyed both the preparation and classroom experience. In 1999 he embarked on an 18-month mission to Cambodia with his wife specifically focused on establishing the Seminary and Institute program there. He was an ordinance worker in the Bountiful Temple.
Bill and his family renovated the Roy and Kaysville Movie Theatres and brought discount movies to Davis County. One of his greatest joys was a sell out night at the Kaysville Theatre. The theatre business was his hobby. He also enjoyed traveling the world with his wife.
He was preceded in death by his parents, son Chad and daughter Rebecca. Survived by his wife Mary and sons Gary (Marcie), and Jeff (Lisa), grandchildren Jordan (Laurie), Tyler, Megan, Chad, Nelson, Zackary, Hayden, and great-grandson Ryan.
Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 12:30 p.m. at the Kaysville 17th Ward, 875 East 200 North, Kaysville, UT. Friends may call Friday evening from 6 - 8 p.m. at Russon Brothers Mortuary, 1941 North Main, Farmington, UT or at the Church one hour before the Funeral. Interment Brigham City Cemetery.
We would like to thank Thatcher Brook Care Center and Vista Hospice for their loving care.
Donations may be made to Huntsman Cancer Foundation, 500 Huntsman Way, SLC, UT 84108.
Online guest book and condolences at