Saturday, July 2

The Little Imp....

Captain A or Ry Guy, is such a tease! He likes rocks...what a boy, anyway he would pick one up and hold it tight in his little hand. Then every so often he would bring his hand up to his mouth like he was going to put the rock in.......I would tell him "No, No, No!" He would laugh at me then run around the table several times and we would do a repeat performance.
He also likes the uncles to chase him....he gets their attention then starts to run away form them...if they are slow he slows down and looks over his shoulder until they are following him....crazy kid.
One of his jaunts when he is over is to check on grandpa in his office.....Grandpa was gone and the office door was closed.  He would knock on the door and we would tell him "Grandpa is not here." This happened several times, then he decided maybe he is in another room...and the sliding door onto the bathroom was much easier to try to open......

and as any grandma will report; He is a genius....think Mozart.

Oh, he is so much fun!


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